Pre-School with parent (Structured)

Friday 9.30-10.30

This one-hour class is designed to enhance your child’s motor, listening, social skills as well as balance, co-ordination and strength through fun gymnastics oriented activities (an adult is expected to actively participate with their child). This class is offered to children from 18 months old to 3 1/2 years old. Our NWGC Preschool Awards scheme offers two levels in preparation for our Independent Classes, First and Second Steps, with termly awards ceremonies and certificates.


Pre-School with parent (Unstructured)

Wednesday 9.30-10.30am

This one hour class offers unstructured play with various stations set up, including our vault assault course and preschool equipment on our floor area. Stations are set up on floor, bars and beam weekly for children to achieve stickers for their NWGC Preschool Awards. We hold termly awards ceremonies and give certificates as part of our program to celebrate the children's achievements. 

Pre-school without parent (Structured)

Wednesday and Friday 10.30-11.30

This one-hour class is the introduction to basic gymnastics skills with 3 levels to achieve. The Pre-School Proficiency Resources and Awards scheme is designed by professionals from the sport of gymnastics and the world of education for use in pre-school environments. Activities include tumbling, low bar, floor beam, high beam, trampoline and motor skills. This class is offered to children aged 3 1/2 years old to school age and is a beneficial class for a great transition from pre-school with parent to the after school gymnastics classes.